

Miriam chuckled at the photograph.
'You look like a serial killer there.'
There was a pause.
'Look like?'
Replied Joel.


Wilmot stole a horse,
To impress a girl.
Who he hoped,
Was into knights.
Additionally he obtained
A roll of foil from Sainsbury's.
To construct additional adornments.
Such as a helmet.
And to wrap up his sandwiches.


What's really important is that everyone knows I'm a Sagittarius.
Thought Grubbles.
While filling out his dating profile.


Frank got so good at stealing things,
He chose to become a thief.
Which he liked the idea of.
Giving himself a title helped with the conscience.
There was nothing Frank couldn't lay his fingers upon.
The problem was,
He couldn't be bothered with ebay.
So his house filled with little trinkets,
From the homes of the elderly.
Or phones from the pockets of tourists.
And eventually he had to rebrand as a hoarder.


Gusty moved to a new house.
Shared again,
Because no one can afford anything these days. 
It turns out her new housemates are astoundingly dull.
Everyone knew what they were doing.
Everything was organised.
And no food ever disappeared in unexplained circumstances. 
One night things got so tedious she pretended to go to bed early. 
Crept into the kitchen, 
And turned the fridge off.
She could not wait for tomorrow morning.


Potto went on holiday.
He forgot to hydrate. 
His urine became orange.
Like the setting sun.
Which reminded him of the aforementioned.
And he smiled a little.


Kip took a hammer to his ankles. 
Loaded up WhatsApp. 
'I'm afraid I'm going to have to pull out of this charity walk, lads'
He sent, along with pictorial evidence. 
Then he put away his toolbox 
And launched Skyrim.


'Tuesday's shopping day.'
'But we're out of toilet paper, Eric'
'Bud, there's some paper in the printer.'
'Can't we just go today?'
'Tuesday's shopping day.'


A particularly evil shark,
Joined a sea gym to bulk up.
Really increase the levels of intimidation he could achieve.
Then he swam around boats,
With his muscular fin protruding from the water,
Cutting huge waves in the ocean.
And watched as the little sailor men quivered.


A celebrity couple,
Got divorced again.
Which as far as Peter could tell,
Happened with the frequency of a Thursday.
But somehow this qualified as breaking news.
And Thursdays didn't.


Bill gave thinking a try.
He wasn't used to it.
Found the ordeal overwhelming.
He decided to stop doing that and went back to one of his blank looks.
That's more like it,
He didn't think.


Entre checked his emails.
Rather confusingly,
The inbox contained a document declaring his parcel could not be delivered.
It continued.
Because he was not at home.
He looked out the window he had been perched next to all day.
Checked the number on the front door.
He was quite perplexed by this turn of events.


Joining in with the fundraising festivities,
A doctor got his face painted.
His patients didn't care to hear the excuse.
The dopey looking bear plastered over his empathetic expression wasn't helping to take the edge off.
Especially for the ones being told about their terminal illnesses.


It was all going over Robert's head.
The room filled with nine other adults.
With their big important discussions.
And there he was.
Hopelessly nodding along.


There was nothing else for it.
Yvonne would have to grow her fingernails.
She formed plans to clack them against her keyboard,
Along with any other surfaces she might find herself in front of.
You know, desks and that sort of thing.
Or the table in the meeting room.
She couldn't wait to feel the satisfaction.
The judging eyes glancing in her direction from her loathsome co-workers.


Guppert turned off his television.
Leaned forward and tried to imagine athletes filling the black void.
It was hopeless.
He started texting friends.
Asking if any of them would be up for hurdling some reasonably high sticks.
Or jumping in puddles without making too much of a splash.

Olympics No More

Guppert stared intently at his television.
Praying David Dickinson,
Or whoever it was hosting Bargain Hunt these days,
Would throw to an iconic image of the Olympic rings,
The sights of Paris,
And some guy running a bit faster than the norm.
He couldn't help but wonder what Michael Johnson and Hazel Irvine would think of the aging ceramics some team had scooped up.


Macy tapped out an email to the International Olympic Committee.
She suggested touch typing ought to be included in future games.
Included pictures of her athletic digits.
And a short video slathering her way across a Logitech MX Keys S,
Knocking out astounding WPMs.

Big Air

Elizabeth jumped really high.
Over she went.
Landing like a sack of potatoes.
Everyone cheered.
Her fists thrust into the air.
This was the dream!

Another World

A poet moved to another planet.
It was great for his line of work.
Because of all of the new sights and such.
The glorious sand sculptures of Depdtuet.
Floating in the flaky purple skies of, well, still Depdtuet.
Filled with sort of cloudy things, but sharper, and green.
And he observed the people,
To whom these sights were nothing new.
They looked a lot like humans.
Except they were green,
And liked to be called Depdtuetions.